About NACES 2024
NACES is a prestigious platform where chemical engineering students are given the opportunity to showcase their creativity and innovation within the field. The competition aims to foster critical thinking, knowledge sharing, innovative ideas, and a strong sense of teamwork through competitive interactions. Since its inception, NACES has been hosted by various Malaysian universities offering chemical engineering programs in collaboration with the Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) Malaysia. This annual competition brings together both local and international universities to compete in various categories related to chemical engineering. In 2023, NACES was hosted by the University of Malaya, with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia participating as an observer to enliven the atmosphere. Recognizing this, IChemE is pleased to announce Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as the host for NACES 2024.

NACES 2024 Jersey!

Young Engineers Awards For Innovation and Sustainability (YEAIS) 2025
The lChemE Young Engineers Awards for Innovation and Sustainability will celebrate the ideas and innovation emerging in the chemical engineering profession, as well as those innovative ideas being shared by young people who could become our future chemical engineers, supporting IChemE’s vision of engineering a more sustainable world. The target audience is 18 -30 years of age. Open entries go live in November this year.
We invite all young engineers to submit an entry that celebrates your novel ideas in helping to reach this goal in one of the following priority areas:
- Clean Energy and Climate Action
- Water and Sanitation
- Food, Health and Wellbeing
- Responsible Production, Innovation and Industry
- Quality Education, including Lifelong Learning
- Process Safety, including Major Hazards Management
- Digitalisation, including Cybersecurity
We will notify you as soon as the website is updated and share the link with you. In the meantime,if you are keen, please send US a note at malaysiayeais@icheme.org .
We encourage you to participate and share this opportunity widely with your peers from other universities.
IEM and IChemE in Malaysia Virtual Conference (Session 1) 2025
Join the IEM and IChemE in Malaysia Virtual Conference to celebrate our 2024 Memorandum of Understanding. Over three days, with 2-3 sessions daily, delegates will engage in learning and networking with industry experts, including process safety leaders and regulators. The program features 20+ technical papers exploring “Chemical and Process Engineering at the Heart of a Sustainable Future,” highlighting our collaboration and professional development.
Date: 17-19 February 2025
Location: Online
Register to attend: https://www.icheme.org/knowledge-networks/communities/member-groups/malaysia/events/iem-and-icheme-malaysia-virtual-conference/

Royals Malaysian Customs
Traveler's Guide
The Royal Malaysian Customs Department (RMCD) warmly welcomes the arrival of tourists or travellers to Malaysia. The department is committed to providing excellent and professional services to all tourists or travellers ensuring their comfort and satisfaction during their stay in Malaysia and upon their departure.

Department of Immigration Malaysia
Malaysia Digital Arrival Card
All foreign citizens travelling to Malaysia must complete the Malaysia Digital Arrival Card (MDAC). Please complete and submit MDAC within 3 days before arrival in Malaysia .
Effective 1 January 2024, completion of this MDAC will be mandatory, except those:
◦ Citizen of Singapore
◦ Diplomatic and offical paspport holders
◦ Malaysia permanent residents and long-term pass holders
◦ General Certificate of ldentity (GCI) Brunei Darussalam holders
◦ Brunei Malaysia frequent traveler facility holders
◦ Indonesia cross-border Travel Document (PLB) holders

Royals Malaysian Customs
Custom Money Declaration
On entry to or exit from Malaysia, declare any cash or travellers cheques if the value is 10,000 US dollars or more. If you do not declare it, customs officials can seize your money, and you may get a fine of up to 3 million ringgit and up to 5 years' imprisonment.
Competition Category
Early Bird – 430MYR
Normal – 480MYR
Early Bird – 530MYR
Normal – 580MYR
Early Bird – 45MYR
Normal – 55MYR
Early Bird – 120MYR
Normal – 130MYR
Early Bird – 45MYR
Normal – 55MYR
Early Bird – 145MYR
Normal – 155MYR
Early Bird – 530MYR
Normal – 580MYR
Early Bird – 630MYR
Normal – 680MYR
Early Bird – 150MYR
Normal – 160MYR
Early Bird – 250MYR
Normal – 260MYR
Early Bird – 45MYR
Normal – 60MYR
Early Bird – 145MYR
Normal – 160MYR
Early Bird – 580MYR
Normal – 690MYR
Early Bird – 680MYR
Normal – 790MYR
Insight from Industry Leaders

Ts. Upenthiran Ganesan
Senior Engineer

Pro. Ir. Denny K. S. Ng
Dean of School of Engineering and Technology

Ms. Hemavathi Silvamany
Senior Engineer
Event Roadmap
26th August
Registration Open
Registration of participants and audience are now opened! Enjoy the thrill of the largest chemical engineering symposium ever!
25th October
Registration Closed
Early Bird. You just missed the early bird offer but don't worry. Normal registration are still open.
15th November
Registration Closed (Extended)
Oops! The registration for both participants and audience are now closed. Now lets focus on the step.
20th October
Briefing Session
Audience and participants will be briefed on the guidelines and the event updates.
10th November
Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions related to the symposium.
20th - 25th November
Technical Infographic
Technical Essay
Technical Video
27th November - 2th December
Slides for Technical Case and Presentation
10th November 14th December
Plant Design Competition Report
Online: 10th November
Physical: 14th December
7th December
Engineering Challenge
Chemical Engineering Challenge will be conducted online. Stay tuned!
14th - 15th December
NACES 2024
Its finally here! The NACES 2024 will be held in Aktropolis, UKM for 2 days. Dont miss the chance.
Our Sponsors
Venue and Location
Date: 14th – 15th December 2024
Mode: Online and Physical
Venue: Akademia Siber Teknopolis, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia